

时间:2021-11-03 20:19:07 求职信 我要投稿




英文求职信 篇1

  Poorly written cover letters are like letters without stamps – they won’t get you anywhere.糟糕的求职信就像没有邮票的信件——它们无法达到你的目的。

  While there are no hard and fast rules about how to write cover letters there do are standard and generally accepted practices to write a notable cover letter.虽然写求职信没有要严格遵守的规则,但一封拿得出手的求职信还是有些标准和套路的。

  Firstly, it is important to remember that a cover letter is not a job application. It is short note that accompanies your resume or portfolio and should include:首先,要记住求职信不是职位申请书,只是一篇和简历及相关资料一起附上的小短文,所以信中应该做到:

  (1) A brief introduction about yourself(1) 简短的自我介绍

  (2) Give the hirer enough confidence to read further(2) 让招聘官有兴趣读下去

  (3) Provide a call to action as to what you’d want to be done further – fixing an interview etc(3) 留下联系电话便于日后进一步联系——确定面试日期等等

  Secondly, it is very important to tailor-make your cover letter as per the job. This means you will have to do some research on the company, address the letter to the concerned person (most preferably include their name) . This research can be easily and quickly done on the web.第二,对每一份工作应该量身打造求职信。这意味着你需要了解下公司背景,把信寄给相关人员(最好能写上他们的名字)。公司相关资料在网上可以很方便找到。

  Thirdly, it is imperative as well as logical to establish your expertise in the cover letter. Talk about your skills and show why & how you can be a good fit for the job. You can also mention how enthusiastic about the job position and how can fit the corporate culture perfectly.第三,在求职信中体现你的专业技能是很合理而且相当有必要的。谈谈你的'技能并说出它们为什么以及如何与目标职位相关。你也可以提一下对职位的热忱以及如何很好融入公司文化。

  Last but not the least it is absolutely necessary never to write the same letter to another company. This can prove to be a greater waste of time on your part than the employers. In fact, writing a cover letter after doing your research and customizing it to fit the specific company can be the spark that gets the fire going. It is always a better idea to write bespoke cover letters to a select few companies (and wait for their response) than to write coveer letters “in bulk” as they will hardly evoke a response.最后很重要的一点,不要给不同公司写相同内容的求职信。你浪费的时间将比那些看求职信的雇主更多。事实上,了解公司情况后再有针对性的写求职信可以让你更有机会。选定几家公司,根据不同情况写求职信,然后等待回复比“批量生产”好很多,因为后者几乎石沉大海。

英文求职信 篇2

  david c. jordan

  816 pintail cliffs home:(216)886-5147

  woodlawn,co 18263 office:(216)872-9731

  october 16, XX

  ms. katherine p. walters

  senior vice president - administration

  cord & decker, inc.

  18 summerdale court

  wolfgang industrial center

  ridgewood, nj 16225

  dear ms. walters:

  as the senior administrative executive for cord & decker, inc., perhaps you are in need of a talented purchasing manager who can almost certainly make immediate contributions to the bottom line of your company.

  a senior purchasing agent for a fortune 200, $2.8 billion consumer products company, i have enjoyed a reputation as a "tough but fair negotiator", who has made significant cost savings contributions to my employer. these have included:

  -consolidated corporate-wide packaging supplies purchases with resultant annual savings of $35 million

  -contributed $12 million annual savings through conversion from oil to biomass fuels with long-term purchase contract

  -saved $8 million annually in inventory costs through installation of computerized raw materials tracking and forecasting system

  -successfully negotiated five-year knock-down carton contract with major supplier worth $5.5 million savings annually

  educational credentials include a b.s. in packaging from michigan state university and an m.b.a. in finance from penn state university. i have more than 15 years purchasing experience with a major international corporation, and have been professionally active in my field.

  compensation requirements are in the low $80k range, and i am open to relocation anywhere in the united states.

  should you feel my background qualifies me for a current corporate management assignment at cord & decker,inc., i would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. please contact me at my home in the evening.

  i appreciate your consideration.



  david c. jordan

英文求职信 篇3

  dear sir,

  on my graduation from college this fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and export trading. knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, i thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

  i am strong and healthy, and shall be twenty years of age in september next year. at present i am a student in the college of xx but i shall graduate from the college this coming july, finishing the requirements in three years, i have had no business experience, but my college record has been good. a copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.

  dr. a.tang, president of the college of xx will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability, i shall be glad to call at any time for an interview.

  best regards

  yours faithfully


英文求职信 篇4

  My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration. The sales Manager position advertised in the Chicago Tribune on October 12 intrigues me. I believe you will find me well-qualified. Your October 30 advertisement in The Jackson Review calls for an Administrative Assistant with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills ,such as mine.

  My desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration. I am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in your organization.

  Are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or upgrade the security of your organization?If so, I would like to apply for the position.

  My interest in joining Any Corporation as a licensed electrician had prompted me to forward my resume for your review. Having majored in mathematics at Rice University, where I also worked as a Research Assistant, I am confident that I would make a successful addition to your Economics Research Department.

  At the suggestion of Walter Durrane, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining to consulting or related assignments with Any Corporation.

  I am forwarding my resume in regards to the opening we discussed in your Marketing Department. I want a job. Not any job with any company,but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons:Your organization is more than just a company. It is an institution in the minds of the Chinese public.

  Attention of Human Resource Manager:Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get started. At the bottom,perhaps,but started. 来源:SOHU

英文求职信 篇5

  Dear leader,

  Thank you for your letter of application. I am xx university xx nursing undergraduate. I have a solid knowledge of medical knowledge, skilled operation skills and excellent working ability. I am confident that I am qualified for the job I will be engaged in. Here, I recommend myself to you.

  The choice itself means competition, which can make the self-worth more fully realized. I hope the results of this competition will give me the opportunity to work and study in your organization.

  Medicine is a sacred science. Its value is to save human life. After four years of theoretical study and more than one year of clinical practice, I have developed a rigorous learning attitude, rigorous thinking and strong character. I have a caring heart for patients, and I love nursing. After four years of medical science, my medical dream has enriched my wings, and I will continue to study in practice.

  During the period of school, I not only learned professional knowledge, more can improve the comprehensive quality, I served as minister of students' life, the theory of the group leader, organized the party knowledge learning activities for many times, organize many hundred dormitory comparison, DIY series, has certain organization foundation and innovative ability. In an effort to learn the professional knowledge at the same time, I constantly enrich himself, to the party organization actively, presently for party members, have accepted senior party class training, and smoothly through the party class exam, try their best to make themselves interdisciplinary talents needed by the society today.

  As a college student in the 21st century, I am not only satisfied with the study of theoretical knowledge of the university, but I often go to social theory to connect with reality and improve my comprehensive ability in practice. I believe that I can adapt myself to the fierce competition environment of today.

  Finally, I sincerely thank you for your attention to me. I hope your company can give me a chance to realize my dream and show my talent. I wish you a great career and great success! I look forward to hearing from you.



英文求职信 篇6

Dear Sir,

  In reference to your advertisement in the for a playground director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.

  I hold a degree in Physical Education from the University of South Dakota. Along with my physical education courses,I also selected many courses in psychology and child management. During the summers, I worked as a volunteer playground director in several suburban areas surrounding the university.In the summer of 1983, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in Walton, south Dakota. The year after that,I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South Dakota. My supervisor during this time was William Johnson. He has consented to act as a reference for me.

  My additional experience includes working as a City Park Recreation Director in Rockford, South Dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time. In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports.

  If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear from you in the near future.

  Sincerely yours











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